Dive into how each vertical functions, what it specializes in, and its strengths. Understand unique nuances that differentiate one from the other. This will help you curate team building activities that highlight specific skill sets.
Challenges to be addressed may be similar (critical thinking, leadership presence, brand building etc), but make it relevant to the industry. For instance, have games designed around the fields involved to keep it relevant.
Incorporate jargon from each industry (using a Crossword, Quiz, Treasure Hunt…); this will be familiar to some but new to others. Mixing the familiar with the new makes teams interact. By mixing hierarchies and verticals, you lower the possibility of a senior being nominated to Team Leader status. This encourages connection and engagement.
Ensure team building aligns with the organization’s goals. This creates a clear link between the activities and the overall objectives of the organization. It promotes unity and focus during the activity and beyond.
Integrate role play, skits and mimicry relevant to the organization. This adds a hilarious yet practical element to team building, allowing team members to apply their acting skills in a familiar context.
Facilitate networking opportunities by including a cocktail dinner or a ‘meet and greet’ with the ‘who’s who’. Connecting team members in informal settings is a great way to build relationships.
Incorporate tech-enabled activities to awaken the need to be tech savvy. It keeps the team updated on the latest trends, and promotes the need to enhance digital skills. Also, experienced old-timers learn to rely on the newbies and develop a healthy respect for them.
Consider diverse cultural nuances across the organization which may be due to the type of industry, the management, or due to joint ventures and mergers. Balance understanding and respect with the need for a common culture. This creates an inclusive and effective team.